Dentist by day, viral content creator by night. With a staggering 4 million followers on TikTok and a burgeoning presence on Instagram, this modern Renaissance man has mastered the art of balancing his professional career with his passion for social media. In this exclusive interview for Fathom Magazine’s July 2024 cover story, we are honoured to introduce our first-ever cover star, Dr. Ben Gee.

Dr. Ben Gee’s journey is anything but ordinary. By day, he’s the meticulous dentist ensuring his patients’ smiles are as dazzling as his own. By night, he transforms into a comedic powerhouse, crafting content that ranges from laugh-out-loud funny to surprisingly insightful. His dedication to both his medical practice and his online persona showcases a level of commitment that’s truly awe-inspiring.

In person, Dr. Ben Gee is a far cry from the larger-than-life figure you see on your screen. Shy, soft-spoken, and ever so humble, he’s known for his graceful movements and those impeccable pearly whites that never fail to dazzle on camera—no surprise coming from a top-notch dentist. His background as a dancer might be an unknown fact to many, but it explains the fluidity and charm he exudes in every video.

Join us as we chat with Dr. Ben Gee about his passions, the struggles of juggling two demanding worlds, and the relentless dedication that drives him. Get ready to be inspired by the man who’s redefining what it means to truly shine, both in the clinic and on camera.

What initially inspired you to pursue a career in dentistry, and how has your journey evolved to include fashion and beauty content creation on social media?

I pursued dentistry because it combines science and art to improve lives. I’ve always loved arts since young and was involved in performing arts during my college days. As I built my practice, I saw how oral health boosts well-being and confidence. This led me to share fashion and beauty content on social media, integrating dental care into a broader wellness perspective that resonates with my audience. 

Comparing your social media persona and your in-real-life persona, what would you say is the biggest difference between the two?

Comparing my social media persona to real life, the biggest difference is that I’m more soft-spoken and focused in person, whereas my online presence comes across as energetic and hyper. People often find it surprising to see this contrast when they meet me face-to-face, as my social media content suggests a much livelier demeanour. However, this disparity often leads to engaging conversations and reinforces my commitment to delivering serious and dedicated care.

Can you share the moment that sparked your interest in becoming a fashion and beauty influencer alongside your dental practice?

My interest in becoming a fashion and beauty influencer alongside my dental practice wasn’t planned; it happened by luck. During the pandemic, I decided to download TikTok just for fun. As I started sharing tips on dental care, fashion, and beauty, I realised people resonated with my content. The positive feedback and engagement inspired me to continue and grow in this unexpected direction. 

How do your patients react when they recognise you from your social media content? Do they ever bring up your posts during their visits? 

My patients often tell me they didn’t expect me to be so soft-spoken, as they anticipated I would be more energetic and hyper based on my social media content. They do bring up my posts during their visits, which is always a great conversation starter. Despite my online persona, I am very serious and focused when it comes to my work, ensuring they receive the best care possible.
Balancing my roles as a dentist and a content creator requires being highly organized and planning ahead. I rely on my planner book to schedule both my professional responsibilities and creative pursuits. Once I plan something, I make sure to stick to the schedule, allowing me to effectively manage both aspects of my career without compromising on either.

With your dual roles as a dentist and a content creator, what strategies do you use to effectively balance your professional responsibilities with your creative pursuits? 

Has your popularity on social media led to an increase in patients seeking you out specifically for dental care?

Yes, my popularity on social media has led to an increase in patients seeking me out specifically for dental care. This added visibility is gratifying, as it allows me to reach a broader audience and help more people with their dental health. It’s rewarding to see that my content resonates with people and motivates them to prioritise their oral health

Would you ever consider leaving your dental practice to focus on content creation full-time, or do you find fulfilment in maintaining both aspects of your career? 

No, I wouldn’t consider leaving my dental practice to focus on content creation full-time. While I love creating content, I can’t see myself doing that in the long run. Dentistry provides more stability, and I’m not a risk taker. I find fulfilment in maintaining both aspects of my career, but the stability of dentistry is better for me.

In what ways do your two careers complement each other, and how have your experiences in one field influenced your work in the other? 

My two careers complement each other in many ways. My experience in dentistry has taught me the importance of precision, patience, and attention to detail, which are valuable skills in creating high- quality content. Conversely, my work as a content creator has enhanced my communication skills, allowing me to better educate and engage with my patients.

As someone deeply involved in both health and beauty, how do you perceive the connection between dental health and overall aesthetics? Do you incorporate this perspective into your social media content? 

I see a strong connection between dental health and overall aesthetics, as a healthy smile significantly enhances one’s appearance and confidence. I incorporate this perspective into my social media content by highlighting how good oral hygiene contributes to both health and beauty.

What challenges have you faced in managing the time and energy required to excel in both dentistry and social media? How do you overcome them? 

Managing the time and energy to excel in both dentistry and social media has been challenging, especially with not having enough time for family and friends. I’ve missed out on a few family trips, which made me realise the need for better balance. To overcome this, I’ve decided to reduce my working days and now dedicate every Sunday to family time. As for my friends, I still don’t have a solution yet, but thankfully, they are understanding and supportive.
Looking ahead, my goals for the future are clear in both my dental practice and content creation. For my dental clinic, I aim to become one of the top providers of Invisalign in Malaysia and to focus more on aesthetic dentistry. On the content creation side, I plan to create more high-quality fashion and beauty content.
At the moment, I don’t have any new projects or collaborations in the pipeline. My primary focus remains on my clinic and providing the best possible care to my patients and to find more time for friends and family. For any potential opportunities, my manager would have more detailed information.

Looking ahead, what are your goals for the future in both your dental practice and your content creation?
Are there any new projects or collaborations on the horizon that you’re particularly excited about?

How was your experience during the Fathom Magazine cover shoot? 

The Fathom Magazine cover shoot was a fantastic experience. I had a lot of fun, and time flew by. It also reminded me of how much I miss my modelling days. Thank you for the opportunity to be on the cover for the first time.


Editorial and Styling Support: Naufal Aniq, Christy Yong Yit Hwa, Alyssa Gabrielle
Wardrobe: Shanghai Tang
Eyewear: Essilor Luxottica, Persol
Hair & Makeup: Samantha Fernandez
Photography: MLK Photography